Management Information System (MIS) Process Review
There is a conversation occurring in your company and it happens in an organization’s Management Information System (MIS). What is being said? Who is saying it? Do they all speak the same language? Does it make sense? Is anyone listening?
These modules are designed to investigate and identify information gaps in how the MIS is being used, the quality of the data being produced and the perception of the data that management is using. With this information in hand, the investigator is able to detail the deficiencies and to make recommendation to close the gaps.
Modules can be performed as a single project or individually.
Goals of Sessions:
- To review current processes and information flow
- To validate/gather process information through value-added process reviews
- To Identify the Voice of the Customer (VOC) and Voice of the Business (VOB)statements for the project.
- To identify how the MIS processes relate to the organization’s goals
To deliver a document identifying the processes current state, deficiencies and improvement recommendations.
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